A Nice, Slow Weekend

It’s been a really busy few weeks, but I’m happy to report that things are settling back down. Last time I had a ‘slow day’ it was because I was sick, which is no fun. This time I can enjoy it! It’s good to have some relaxation time now and then. I took the day off from work yesterday since things are a little slow (we got an extension on a proposal that we were pulling our hair out over). Yesterday was St. Maximilian Kolbe’s (my patron saint) memorial day and today is the Feast of the Assumption, so it seems appropriate for me to take a couple days to pray, meditate, relax, and so on.

Yesterday I spent a good chunk of the day doing a 50 mile ride on the C&O Canal towpath in Maryland. It was a great ride, though 50 miles is pushing it a bit for me (especially on un-paved trails). I’m sore today! I’m hoping to ride the entire trail (in smaller chunks) before it cools down too much for winter, but I’m not too sure I’ll be able to do it. Worst-case I’ll pick it back up in the Spring. I’m trying to push up my distance-per-ride so, eventually, I can do a 2- or 3-day ride of the entire 185 mile long C&O Canal Towpath.

Today, I’m mostly cleaning up some stuff on my computers and on the web site back-end, but that’s about it for the day. I’m also working on a couple of writing projects in my spare minutes (and watching some TV too ;-)). Basically it’s just a nice, lazy weekend. I’m sure I won’t have another one of these for months to come!

Scott Bradford is a writer and technologist who has been putting his opinions online since 1995. He believes in three inviolable human rights: life, liberty, and property. He is a Catholic Christian who worships the trinitarian God described in the Nicene Creed. Scott is a husband, nerd, pet lover, and AMC/Jeep enthusiast with a B.S. degree in public administration from George Mason University.