

Off on a Tangent is designed for a minimum viewport width of 360 display pixels (dp). It should work properly in any browser that uses a recent version of the Blink, Gecko, Goanna, or WebKit display engines. That includes most modern browsers on most modern operating systems.

I test the site regularly in these browsers, which are “officially” supported:

I test each browser (if available) on the following operating systems:

I also test Off on a Tangent in prerelease builds of the Ladybird browser, which is not yet “officially” supported, but I plan to add it to the list once it reaches the beta stage.

Lastly, I do limited testing to make sure the site can be used in “lo-fi” and text-only browsers like Arachne, Dillo, Links, Lynx, Netsurf. It won’t be pretty though . . . but you should be able to read the content if nothing else!

If you have problems using the site in a supported browser on a supported operating system, please contact me to report the issue. Include the names and version numbers of both the browser and operating system, and provide a detailed description (or clear screenshot) of the problem.

Off on a Tangent is powered by WordPress, an open-source publishing platform. The Tangent WordPress theme is based on Underscores (_s). The custom Tangent WordPress theme and plugin were designed and written by Scott Bradford.

Hosting and domain registration services by DreamHost and Infomaniak. Designed with Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop. Built with JetBrains PhpStorm. Source control with Git SCM. Bugs tracked with Mantis. Accurate timekeeping courtesy of Time and Date AS and the NTP Pool Project.

When possible, Off on a Tangent complies with the most recent HTML, CSS, ECMAScript (JavaScript), JSON, and XML standards. Validation tools include Nu (X)HTML5 Checker, StyleLint, ESLint, JSONLint, and XML Validation.

Off on a Tangent intends to comply with the most recent Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. Accessibility is checked periodically with AInspector. Please contact me to report any accessibility problems.

Refer to the Credits and Attribution page for a complete list of libraries, fonts, plugins, artwork, optimization tools, and other components in use on this website.

Scott Bradford is a writer and technologist who has been putting his opinions online since 1995. He believes in three inviolable human rights: life, liberty, and property. He is a Catholic Christian who worships the trinitarian God described in the Nicene Creed. Scott is a husband, nerd, pet lover, and AMC/Jeep enthusiast with a B.S. degree in public administration from George Mason University.