I voted this morning at my polling place in South Riding, Virginia. If you are eligible to vote in Virginia, you should too.
There are many important races and issues on the ballot across the commonwealth. Here in Loudoun County, Virginia, we are voting for governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, our representatives in the Virginia House of Delegates, and two local ballot issues.
Take the time to research the candidates and issues on your ballot and make informed choices. Don’t let anybody tell you that your vote doesn’t matter. Don’t let anybody tell you that your choice is wrong. No informed vote is a wasted vote.
And let’s respect one another. I’ve made my choices—and I encourage you to read my reasons why—and you are free to make yours. I may not agree with you, but as long as you have seriously considered your choices, I respect them. I hope you’ll offer me the same courtesy in return.
Please come back to Off on a Tangent this evening for live results from the races that I am following.