
Religion and Philosophy

My religion—Catholic Christianity—is very important to me and I spend a fair amount of time studying and learning about it. I also have an interest in other religions and in secular philosophy. Related courses and independent study are cataloged here.


  • Catholic Distance University
    • RELED N001 – Basic Catechetics for Discipleship, Part 1
    • SCRPT N004 – Introduction to Scripture and the Gospel Message
    • THEO N005 – The Profession of Faith
    • THEO N006 – The Celebration of the Christian Mystery
    • THEO N007 – Life in Christ
    • THEO N008 – Christian Prayer
  • Ascension Press
    • The Bible Timeline: The Story of Salvation
  • Catholic Diocese of Arlington
    • Johnson, Soren; John Knutsen – Evangelization ‘Boot Camp’
    • Wilcox, W. Bradford, PhD – Why Marriage (Still) Matters
  • Coming Home Network
    • Howell, Kenneth, PhD – The Issue of Authority in Early Christianity
    • Pitre, Brant, PhD – The Jewish Roots of the Papacy
  • Institute of Catholic Culture
    • Barr, Stephen, PhD – Science and Faith: The Myth of Conflict
    • Bergman, Fr. Eric – Roots of Immorality: The Aftermath of the 1930 Lambeth Conference
    • Campbell, David, DMin – My Lord and My God: Evidence for the Resurrection of Christ
    • Carnazzo, Fr. Hezekias – Flesh of My Flesh: The Marriage Covenant in Sacred Scripture
    • Carnazzo, Fr. Sebastian, PhD – Blood and Water: Understanding the Sacraments of Initiation
    • Check, Christopher
      • Jolly St. Nick? Reclaiming Christmas for Christ
      • Marvel of Wisdom: The Life of Saint Catherine of Siena
    • Cuddeback, John, PhD
      • Piercing the Darkness: An Introduction to Aquinas’ Summa Theologica
      • Walking With God: Ethics in the Catholic Tradition
    • Lindblom, John, PhD – Underground and Above-Ground: Divisions Among Catholics in China Today
    • O’Donnell, Timothy, STD
      • All Is Vanity: The Theology of Ecclesiastes
      • Not One Stone: The Story of the Fall of Jerusalem
    • Pope, Msgr. Charles – Born Without Sin: A Study of the Immaculate Conception
    • Reilly, Robert – False Dichotomy: Religious Belief and Public Morality
    • Saunders, Fr. William, PhD – Saint Augustine’s Just War Theory: Then and Now
    • Scalia, Fr. Paul
      • The Errors of Modernism: Pascendi Dominici Gregis
      • Whoever Loses His Life for My Sake: The Story of St. Maximilian Kolbe
  • Jordan B. Peterson, PhD, Lecture Series
    • Biblical Series: Genesis (The Psychological Significance of the Biblical Stories)
    • Biblical Series: Exodus (in progress)
  • Saint Veronica Catholic Church
    • Introduction to Liturgical Latin
    • Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Preparation Series
  • Sheen, Venerable Fulton
    • Life is Worth Living (public lecture series)
  • Books and Independent Study
    • Aquilina, Mike (ed.) – The Fathers of the Church
    • Aquinas, Saint Thomas
      • On Prayer and the Contemplative Life
      • Summa Theologica, Part 1 (trans. by Fathers of the English Dominican Province)
      • Summa Theologica, Part 2 (trans. by Fathers of the English Dominican Province) (in progress)
    • Pope Benedict XVI – Jesus of Nazareth (Trilogy)
    • Butler, Fr. Alban – The Lives of the Saints
    • The Catholic Church
      • The Catechism of the Catholic Church
      • The Catechism of the Council of Trent
      • The Didache
      • Evangelium Vitae (The Gospel of Life) (Pope Saint John Paul II)
      • Humanae Vitae (Of Human Life) (Pope Paul VI)
    • Escriva, Saint Josemaria – The Way
    • Hahn, Scott, PhD
      • The Fourth Cup
      • Reasons to Believe
      • Rome Sweet Home (with Kimberly Hahn)
    • The Holy Bible (English translations)
      • Contemporary English Version (1995)
      • New American Bible (2nd Edition, 1987)
      • New International Version (1984)
      • Revised Standard Version, Catholic Edition (2nd Edition, 2006)
    • Pope Saint John Paul II – Man and Woman He Created Them (in progress)
    • Kreeft, Peter, PhD – Practical Theology
    • Lewis, C.S. – Mere Christianity
    • Luther, Martin – The Works of Martin Luther (trans. by C.M. Jacobs, et al.)
    • Sheen, Venerable Fulton
      • The Life of Christ
      • The World’s First Love
    • Saint Teresa of Avila – The Way of Perfection
    • Saint Therese of Lisieux – The Story of a Soul
    • Trese, Fr. Leo – The Faith Explained
    • U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops –
      • The Baltimore Catechism (1891 Edition)
      • Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship
      • U.S. Catholic Catechism for Adults
    • Walsh, Milton (ed.) – Witness of the Saints

General and Non-Christian

  • George Mason University
    • RELI 100: Human Religious Experience
  • Catholic Distance University
    • Brown, Peter, PhD; Matthew Bunson, DMin; Marie Nuar, STD – Islam and the Catholic Church: A Conversation
  • Institute of Catholic Culture
    • Clark, Anthony E., PhD – The Three Teachings: Origins and History of Ancient Chinese Philosophy
    • Marshner, William, STD – Islam: Its History and Theology
    • Reilly, Robert – Jews, Muslims and Christians: Praying to the Same God of Abraham?
    • Sullivan, Fr. Ezra – Ancient Confusion: Origins of Hinduism and Buddhism
  • Books and Independent Study
    • Abram, Simon (trans.) – Sahih al-Bukhari (Sunni Hadith Book 1) (in progress)
    • Beal, Samuel (trans.) – Buddhacarita
    • Cohen, Abraham – Everyman’s Talmud
    • Darmesteter, James (trans.) – The Zend-Avesta
    • Flew, Anthony; Roy Abraham Varghese – There Is a God
    • Müller, Max (trans.)
      • The Dhammapada
      • The Upanishads
    • Olcott, Henry Steel – The Buddhist Catechism
    • The Qur’an
      • Trans. by Abdullah Yusuf Ali (1934)
      • Trans. by N. J. Dawood (1956)
      • Trans. by Marmaduke Pickthall (1930)
    • Spencer, Robert – The Critical Qur’an
    • Swinburne, Richard, PhD – The Existence of God
    • This is the Promise of Allah (the Islamic State manifesto)
    • Tsu, Lao – Tao Te Ching (trans. by Gia-fu Feng, Jane English, and Toinette Lippe)
    • Wilson, Epiphanius (ed.) – Sacred Books of the East

Secular Philosophy

  • George Mason University
    • PHIL 173: Logic and Critical Thinking
  • Boston University (Pardee Distinguished Lecture)
    • Dyson, Freeman – Heretical Thoughts About Science and Society
  • Institute of Catholic Culture
    • Cuddeback, John, PhD
      • Plato’s Republic and the Discovery of Virtue
      • Understanding Understanding: Objective Truth & Epistemological Relativism
      • What’s In A Name? The Errors of Nominalism
  • Jordan B. Peterson, PhD, Lecture Series
    • Maps of Meaning (University of Toronto, 2017)
  • Khan Academy
    • Wireless Philosophy (Wi-Phi)
  • Books and Independent Study
    • Abbott, Edwin A. – Flatland
    • Adams, Scott
      • God’s Debris
      • The Religion War
    • Dawkins, Richard, PhD – The God Delusion
    • Girgis, Sherif; Ryan Anderson; Robert George – What Is Marriage?
    • Hitchens, Christopher – God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything
    • Rand, Ayn
      • Atlas Shrugged
      • The Fountainhead

Scott Bradford is a writer and technologist who has been putting his opinions online since 1995. He believes in three inviolable human rights: life, liberty, and property. He is a Catholic Christian who worships the trinitarian God described in the Nicene Creed. Scott is a husband, nerd, pet lover, and AMC/Jeep enthusiast with a B.S. degree in public administration from George Mason University.